Report on Engendering CEWER in Kenya

Report on Engendering Conflict Early Warning and Early Warning Response Mechanism in Kenya

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Report on Engendering CEWER in Kenya

May 16, 2016

Development of the Kenya National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security which seeks to

operationalize implementation of the UNSCR 1325 is a key milestone that will contribute to the

conflict early warning and response processes in Kenya. The UNSCR 1325 calls for increased

participation of women in conflict prevention and peace-building. An effective and efficient

conflict early warning and early response system should hence foster appreciation of the fact that

women and men experience conflict in different ways at the various stages of conflict processes.

The work of the NCEWERS is based on a framework of indicators that were consultatively

developed and informed both by the UNSCR and by local realities of Kenyan communities.

These indicators relate to the three strategic cluster areas that are characteristic of conflicts in

Kenya, namely, pastoralist areas, rural and urban areas.

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