Analysis of likely Implications on Rebasing the GDP of Kenya

Analysis of Likely Implications on Rebasing the GDP of Kenya

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Analysis of likely Implications on Rebasing the GDP of Kenya

April 17, 2015

The process of revising National Accounts Statistics including rebasing of the GDP has been finalized. The results have elicited intense debate from policy makers, investors, and international organizations among others. This is because the country will change her global ranking from a low income to a low-middle income country, hence affecting the nature of relationship between Kenya and other countries. These could affect the economy either positively or negatively. Whilst GDP rebasing is a good economic practice that will provide the GoK with relevant tools for tackling economic challenges such as growing the economy, fighting poverty and creating jobs, it is important to note that there are other implications arising from it. This is especially so when poverty, inequality, youth unemployment, insecurity and gender inequality are still entrenched in the economy. Such realities have forestalled the celebrations that might have come with the elevation of the Nigerian economy to the biggest economy in Africa and the 26th in the world. This is after the recent rebasing exercise that shot its Gross Domestic Products (GDP) to $509 billion ahead of South Africa’s $350 billion.

It is against this backdrop that UNDP has supported this study to undertake an in-depth analysis of the likely implications of rebasing the economy of Kenya.

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