The Greenmark Standard for Green Buildings

The Greenmark Standard for Green Buildings

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The Greenmark Standard for Green Buildings

January 18, 2019

The Government recognizes the critical role of the built environment in addressing climate change and environmental degradation. To this end, it has identified and empowered the Kenya Building Research Centre to champion and coordinate the government’s green building agenda in relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation as stipulated in the Centre’s Strategic Plan (2017/2018 – 2021/2022). Some of the Center’s key action areas include: development of green building policy, regulations and guidelines; mainstreaming green building principles in building design and construction; and, conducting research on climate resilient and sustainable building construction materials and technologies. These will contribute to the realization of the government’s target of having 75% of new and renovated public and private large scale buildings as green by 2030.

Click here for the The Greenmark Standard for Green Buildings